Traffic Enforcement Directive (#-001)
Pursuant to Section 2, sub point G of the Department Of Transportation Act, I @Secretary of the Interior am empowered to issue the following directive in relation to traffic protocol.
A note from the Vinish Transport Police in relation to the official policy with regard to the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (Tickets) to DOJ members. The official notice is, members of the DOJ may not issue any other law enforcement or emergency services vehicle (Inclusive of VTP, SS, VFD) with a Fixed Penatly Notice, however, you may order the removal of VFD vehicles which impede traffic.
To speak plainly. You're not allowed to fine other emergency services vehicles AT ALL. However, you may ask them to move if they're not on a job, SS and VTP dont nesscasarily have to comply with that order, VFD do.
VTP members are allowed to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to off & on duty vehicles that belong to DOJ members.
PLEASE REMEMBER: It is an offence to not pay a fixed penalty notice.
( @everyone ) (edited)