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Chuckle Casino!
rules and information / about-us
xishi 29-Jan-20 05:13 PM
Welcome to Chuckle Casino! The best casino in Vindex Nation. Located at small11, near the college parking lot Chuckle Casino is brought to you by the Mafia. We have many different games to offer, so please explore and give us feedback at the review point. ( #review-point ) Who knows?! Maybe you'll get lucky and pull a big win! If you manage to pull a win of over $30,000 in one bet, you will be able to be put on the Wall of Winners! And you will be able to receive a Membership Card that entitles you to a free bet everyday! (Restricted to the dealer who signed the Membership) Finally, please read our rules and have fun! :)
xishi 29-Jan-20 10:55 PM
Find out about all of our games in depth with #our-games and #our-slot-machines !
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