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Premier League Betting / place-your-bets
BigGamer 11-May-20 12:20 AM
Chuckle Casino Premier League
BET REQUIREMENTS: SEASON BET: Min: $1,000 Max: $30,000 MATCH BET: Min: $1,000 Max: $10,000
How do the bets work? Season: You bet on a team who you think will be champions of the Premier League before the season starts (deadline: 17/05/2020) and at the end of the season if you win your bet you will be paid the multiplier associated with that bet, for the first ever season of the Premier League all the bet multipliers for season bets are equal. Match: You can place two bets per matchweek (2 matches played on 1 matchweek). For the first matchweek all the odds and multipliers are the same as we gather statistics to determine the bets next matchweek. You bet on the team who you think will win the match and if you win your bet you will be paid after the match.
How to place a bet? In this channel please use either command depending on what bet you would like to place: Season Bet: ?seasonbet <team> <money> Match Bet: ?matchbet <team> <money> Please use the acronyms for each team when betting on them: (ARS) - Addersfield Arsenal (DWN) - Downtown Wanderers (SPU) - Seawall Spurs (UVL) - Uptown Villa
REMEMBER Once you've entered the command we get your bet in a separate channel, do not be panicked when you don't receive any response from the bot straight away, we have to verify it first.
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