First of all, you're going to have to name your source on the U.S. having more resources then the UK for medicine, I would be extremely disappointed in the UK if the private company were able to one up them on resources. Second, you keep bringing up insurance as though a man who is suffering from a disease won't be treated at a hospital if he doesn't have insurance, something that is false. And wait a minute "45 thousand Americans" out of a population of almost 400 million? and you're trying to tell me that is a problem of national security? the UK gets more then 45 thousand deaths a year from the Flu lmao. As for your Uncle, he would've been able to get his liver treated, then after that if he wanted continual treatment he would've been able to set up something like a mortgage to the hospital, or he could've applied for a welfare check and got his future liver treatments covered. I would also refrain from saying that the U.S. cares very little for anyone who is unable to afford insurance, if you refer to insult instead of argument it is clear that the argument may not be going in your favor. (edited)