These are the values at the core of all views of the Nationalist Party
We believe in working together to achieve a common goal that will benefit the whole of Vindex Nation. The Nationalist Party does not support the idea of toxic opposition, rather we see opposition as an opportunity to come to an agreement that helps represent the views of every citizen in our great nation.
Our party will always support propositions that help Vindex positively progress both economically and socially. We support new ideas that have the people's best interest at heart, no matter where it is on the political spectrum.
Us Nationalists are in favor of a stable nation, with progressive change but not to the extent that disturbs the nature of society. The Nationalist Party is here to stay, as a platform to present the people Representatives with clear goals and views which will always be in line with our common values.
The Nationalist Party has a pragmatic stance on political issues, considering all possible solutions and always choosing the most suitable option that most benefits the majority of Finnish citizens.
Vindex Nation's form of government is fully supported by the Nationalist Party. We shall focus our ambition on the legislative branch by providing candidates for the House of Representatives.
Economic Policy:
The Nationalist Party promotes the continued maintenance of low taxes. We have a clear stance on economic freedom, believing in minimally regulating businesses but still keeping them fair for consumers.